It's been a while...

Living in the woods, I am delightfully aware of the changing seasons. My senses are heightened by the colors of shortening light and the holy hilarity of the marigolds as we enter October. I relish the last few ripening tomatoes.

A dear friend once gave me a postcard that showed a painting of a tree by Van Gogh. My children were growing to adulthood and I was in a new place in time. She wrote that my ongoing fecundity would show up in suprising ways. In addition to producing offspirng, fucundity is the production of new ideas.

The end of an era in church leadership has allowed a time of rest and reflection about how I might remain similarly fruitful. Fecundity. New ideas.

At any rate, I’ve pursued a number of studies related to resilience and rest. I simultaneously seek to use my voice and to remain silent. I love to move and to be still.

And I am still listening…