Spring in Your Step

I’ve been looking at a lot of my old blog posts as I return to my spiritual direction and soul care practice. A lot of these start with words like “Years ago…” or “I remember…” No judgment there, but I wonder about turning a corner.

How about you?

While I believe that it is important to know history in order to avoid mistakes, I am just so over looking at life through the rearview mirror.

It’s spring. It’s a new season, and the winter of our discontent is over.

Walk with me as I navigate life with the energy that comes from curiosity and resilience.

 What Holy Invitations are your sensing? What is tugging at your heart? Do you hear God calling you to something new?

Follow that new path. Just take one step and then another.

 Your turn:

 Make a list of ten things that you’d love to try. This list doesn’t’ have to be perfect. Just go for it!

What surprises you? What keeps showing up?

Do you have a talent that is waiting to be developed?


How do you see yourself growing?


What are you dreaming about?


Are there new relationships and friendships that you’d like to explore? Or are there existing friendships that you’d like to develop in a new way?